Wednesday, May 23, 2007

And As Promised...

Caleb at his pre-school graduation.
Hannah posing at Caleb's graduation. She couldn't stand not getting all of the attention.
Hannah pushing Caleb in the stroller - can you believe it?

Caleb's stepping stone from pre-school to Kindergarten.
Hannah's absolutely filthy bare feet after going bare-footed all day.
Aren't they horrible?!?! They make me laugh. She and Caleb love going bare-footed.
More pictures from Caleb's graduation. I guess in the future I should categorize these a little better before I load them on the blog. Trial by error in the learning process here, I guess.

This is a picture of Caleb with his "tattoos". Self-inflicted, I might add.
This is the bucket that we keep all of the whiffle balls in. Caleb decided to see if he could fit in it. He thought he was being pretty funny.
This is Caleb trying to get out of the bucket.
Hannah just being cute. Can you believe her HAIR!!!
More playing outside.
Caleb playing at school.
Saying the pledge.
Playing with bubbles - she loves them.
Apparently not getting her way about something.
Mastering her fear of heights. Mom, you can join her this summer. I know you are looking forward to it. (Hee Hee)
My new kitchen table. And as you can see, Miss Hannah needed to be photographed - again.
Sprinkler time.
Hannah playing a little ball.
If you look very closely, you can see that Hannah has hit the ball. Don't you like her casual ball-playing outfit?
Hannah at school.
Hopefully these pictures will be sufficient for a few days. We should start seeing some of you in person soon. The kids are looking forward to all of our trips and fun times to come. Actually we all can't wait to see you all soon.

Until I Have More Time...

I do apologize for the lack of updates but SOMEONE has been hogging, oops, I mean working on the computer time until all hours of the night. I mean, how dare he do that...right? Anyway, I do have some cute new pictures of the kiddos and will try to get them posted in the next day or so. Until then, maybe this will tide you all over...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

It's Me Again...Finally

Hi everyone! Did you miss us? We have not been doing anything exciting in the last couple of weeks, just going to school and work. We are really looking forward to the summer and our trips to Texas and Memphis. And then can you all believe that Caleb will be starting kindergarten this fall - KINDERGARTEN!! Where does the time go? And speaking of time, you will see some pictures below from the past. I wish I had more, but I lost a lot when our computer crashed a while back.
Barry and Caleb have been "practicing" baseball lately and this weekend I took some videos of him batting. He's pretty good and can bat right and left handed. Here are some videos of his talents: right-handed and left-handed. Between switch-hitting and pitching Caleb might make a name for himself in the big leagues and be able to set us up in a nice home in our old age. Aren't you all glad that I have such plans for my child. I guess you could say that I am looking out for our future ;-)
Here the kids are playing in the pool yesterday. They had a lot of fun.
They really enjoy the swing set. Hannah has just started using the "big kids" swing. Here is a picture from 2005 (I think). Can you believe much Hannah's hair has grown since then? And I think this is from 2006.
I subbed in Caleb's class one day last week and here is a picture of him drawing Spiderman. He really is such a good artist. He definitely did not get that from me.
This picture scares me a bit - I get visions in my head of Hannah being the next pop star. She got this headset with her Happy Meal on "Special Friday Lunch Day". (She usually gets Taco Bell)
Isn't she just a cutie!!!

And here are my "blast from the past" pictures...

Hannah at Mercy, waiting for her esophagus to grow.

Caleb being a "cool dude". Like the toothpick?
Caleb at Christmas in 2003 - eating his then staple meal of eggs and pancakes.
Here is Hannah after she came home - Just hanging with the Andy's.
My cute kiddos.