Monday, September 10, 2007

Catching up...

Hi all, just a quick little note to let you all know how we are doing. We are doing fine. I am starting to beat my allergies and the weather here is turning cool. Right now it is 63 degrees - I KNOW, nice, huh? I have opened the windows and turned off the air. I could totally get used to this. All this to say that we are doing well.

Oh, I just realized that I don't have any pictures of Caleb in this post...shame on me. I promise that I will do a post all about Caleb very soon.

This is what greeted me in the car the other day. It is just a toy, but it really startled me at first. Guess who put it there - CALEB!! He thought it was pretty funny. Boys!
We celebrated the end of summer fun time at the pool last week with Barry's bosses family and this is a picture of his daughter Cassie, hanging out with Hannah - just catchin' some rays. Hannah just loves Cassie. Thanks Cassie for playing with Hannah.
Caleb just got PacMan 3 on Friday and couldn't wait to play it. We were out kind of late that night, but we had promised him that he would have some PacMan time. So after baths Barry and Caleb went in to play some PacMan. Well, about 10:30 they turn off the game and we start getting in bed, but couldn't find Hannah. It turned out that Hannah had fallen asleep watching the boys play PacMan and they didn't even realize that she had been in the room with them. This is how I found her. And this is me being proud of me. I made a cake! And not just any cake - a 2-layer cake. I don't know if I've ever made one before.
Oh, and I put it on my cake plate. It's taken me almost 14 years but I finally used my wedding gifted cake plate. YAY, ME!!

Oh, and then we actually came home for Sunday lunch and I made Chicken Parmesan. It was super easy, just a little messy. Can you tell I am pleased with my domestic accomplishments this past week.
Oh, just a thought...our computer crashed a year or so ago and when it crashed I lost quite a few pictures of baby Caleb and baby Hannah. If anyone has some pictures in their files, would you mind sharing them with me? Thanks!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Brilliant Idea

I never understood how allergies affected people until recently. I never had allergy problems, but last year I got to where I could not mow the front yard without sneezing 87 bazillion times and not being able to see due to watery and itchy eyes. Well, this year the allergies hit me again. I decided that the best thing for me to carry around for my runny nose is a roll of toilet paper, but I was having trouble finding a good place to put it in the car and then I thought of this(see pics below)...

I know!! Brilliant, huh? I'll keep you posted on any other brilliant ideas I have in the future.