Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I know - it's about time...

No, don't faint, don't adjust your computer screen and no, you are not hallucinating. Yes, I am actually updating the blog after only ummmmm ohhhhhhh 4 months of silence. I have got to find a faster way to load pictures and then maybe I would do this more often. Any suggestions?? Oh, and since I have not blogged in so long I do not remember how to load the pictures in chronological order, so these pictures will be seriously out of order. Alright, now on with the pictures...

Sarah and Riley came to visit us and while they were here I told her that we would be cleaning out my closet. I figured that since I had helped pack for her during the last 3 summers she could help me clean out. Anyway, these are all the bags that we donated to various causes. And we ended up throwing away about half as much as that. I know, my closet was a serious MESS.

Mr. Riley and Barry's hand. They were chillin' and and watching a game.

Hannah as Hannah you know who.

My cheerleader and superhero.

Hannah, Chiefs Cheerleader, Spiderman

Being goofy. They are so good at that.

So cute!!!

Mom and Sarah - don't you just love the dress. H does.
Their jack-o-lantern. Caleb designed it. Barry carved it.
The rough draft of the face.
These kiddos love to dress up. If you enlarge the pic you will see that Hannah gave herself marker pox. Luckily it was not catching.
My big boy is in the 1st grade. I can't believe it.

First day of school.

So big.
My birthday loot from my honey. He did so good.

When we got back home from TX this is what I found.

And this. No, he had not left the cake out while he was gone. He ran in and set it out while I stretched my legs a bit.

My sweet boy - the Ry guy. Aren't they all so sweet when they are sleeping.

And one of my favorite birthday presents this year - my Cabela's bag. I LOVE, LOVE, L.O.V.E., it. Thanks luke, Katie and Norah. Oh, and notice H primping. She does that a lot.

Poppie, C and H at the CDR gate.
It was 1000 degrees outside and R decides that was a great place to take a nap. Maybe I should try that next summer.

I thought this would make a good growth chart. To bad C was not wanting to cooperate.
H helping prep peaches for camp. She is already looking forward to doing it again next summer.
The cousins.

See, I told you these were in a bad random order. I apologize for the delay. And seriously, if any of you have any suggestions on uploading pictures more quickly I would love to hear them. Hope you guys had a fantastic Turkey and are ramping up for a great Christmas.

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